UN peacekeeping at 75: Researcher-practitioner article & policy brief

Duursma, Allard; Corinne Bara; Nina Wilén, et.al. (2023) UN Peacekeeping at 75: Achievements, Challenges, and ProspectsInternational Peacekeeping, online first. Doi:10.1080/13533312.2023.2263178.

Indonesian Army courtesy photo

This forum article brings together academics, UN officials, and other practitioners to assess the achievements and challenges of UN peacekeeping over the past 75 years. The article is structured into six thematic sections: (1) principles of UN peacekeeping – namely, consent, impartiality, and the (non-)use of force; (2) protection of civilians; (3) the primacy of politics; (4) early warning; (5) partnership peacekeeping; and (6) the changing geopolitical landscape in which UN peacekeeping operates.

Open Access!

Bara, Corinne (2023) UN Peacekeeping. CSS Analyses in Security Policy, No. 330. ETH Zürich: Center for Security Studies (CSS).

REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

The 75th anniversary of UN peacekeeping is cause for celebration. Research shows that UN troops can effectively curtail violence in wars between and within states. Yet, peacekeeping has always been shaped
by the geopolitical landscape, and the renewed great power competition coupled with antiliberal tendencies worldwide are a formidable challenge for the organization.